What is Fashion Revolution Week?

Fashion Revolution Week is a campaign set up by the charity Fashion Revolution. This year it falls on the anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh. During this week brands and producers are being encouraged to show their transparency by using the hashtag #imadeyourclothes.

What Does Fashion Revolution Do?

Fashion Revolution is a non-profit global movement based in over 100 countries around the world. They aim to transform the fashion industry with a focus on transparency in the fashion supply chain. With the main question being ‘Who Made My Clothes?’

Peregrine – Our Story

Here at Peregrine we are incredibly proud of our history. Thomas Glover started the family run business in 1796 in Leicestershire. The manufacturing company J.G.Glover has been passed down through eight generations of the Glover Family.

“Every Friday Thomas would travel into Leicester on a horse and cart to collect the spun wool from Montfort knitting mill before taking it back to Wigston to knit it up into jumpers”

Peregrine Clothing was established as a brand in 1956 as a separate entity from the manufacturing business. It is still very much a family brand, Tom Glover, current managing director and designer took over the company in 2003 looking to revitalize the brand during what were challenging times for British clothing manufacturers.

Every step from the very first design to the finishing stitch has been executed here in the UK and we are extremely proud of this. We can control everything about the garment production from start to finish and we have a close working relationship with the team at our Manchester based factory. We want our customers to be excited about where their clothing comes from.

Here at Peregrine we are truly passionate about where are clothes are made and we are proud to have always been manufactured in England and have no plans to change that!